
About holy nurses
The author is an American nurse, currently serving as the Secretary General of CICIAMS.
Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison. Christ, hear us. Christ, hear us. Heavenly Father, God, have mercy on us. Son, Redeemer of the world, God, have mercy on us. Holy Spirit, God, have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us. Holy Mary – pray for us. Saint Joseph – pray for us. Saint Benedict – pray for us. All Saints and Saints of God, pray for us. Blessed Hanna Chrzanowska – pray for us. God for His great works praising- Jesus Christ in the mystery of the Cross finding Diligently exploring the Word of God In the Eucharist, uniting with Christ, Drawing abundantly from Benedictine spirituality - In prayer, the strength of faith, hope and love strengthens - With Mary rushing to help those in need - With the Sorrowful Mother of the tormented, compassionate - Serving Christ himself in the sick - Looking for support in the Holy Church - Collaborating with the shepherds of the Church in caring for the sick Radiating with the heat of God's love - Eight Beatitudes...

ABOUT MISS HANNA, a wonderful nurse
ABOUT MISS HANNA, a wonderful nurse. A bilingual children’s book by Barbara Nowosielska and Anna Pecyna

Haneczka the wonderful
Haneczka the wonderful. A book for children by Hanna Paszko and Tadeusz Wadas