{:pl}Msza św. w intencji ofiar pandemii i powrotu do zdrowia z patronką na czas epidemii, bł. Hanną Chrzanowską{:}{:en}Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the intention of the victims of the pandemic and a worldwide return to health with the patroness for our time, Blessed Hanna Chrzanowska{:}




Miejsce i termin:
11 lutego 2022 r. | 6 p.m.
Kościół katolicki pod wezwaniem św. Józefa

2300 Beasley Avenue
Huntsville, AL 35816

Ojciec Joseph Lubrano, SDS i diecezja Birmingham w Alabamie oraz Rada Pielęgniarek Katolickich (DBACCN) zaprasza do Kościoła Katolickiego pracowników opieki, chorych i ich opiekunów. Podczas Najświętszej Ofiary Mszy świętej zostaną wprowadzone relikwie bł. Hanny, która była wzorem w służbie chorym.

Urodzona w Warszawie, błogosławiona Hanna współpracowała z Archidiecezją Krakowską koordynując wolontariuszy: katolickie pielęgniarki, siostry zakonne, studentów, seminarzystów i duchownych w opiece nad chorymi. Pokazała biskupowi Karolowi Wojtyle (później papieżowi św. Janowi Pawłowi II) warunki życia chorych i opuszczonych oraz inicjowała domowe Msze św.

Błogosławiona Hanna miała szczególny związek z salwatorianami, ponieważ w Salwatoriańskim Ośrodku Rekolekcyjnym w podkrakowskiej Trzebini zorganizowała rekolekcje dla niepełnosprawnych i chorych. Jej obrazowi (namalowany przez art. mal. Martę Przewązkę) przyznano tam honorowe miejsce na jednym z filarów w ich kościele pod wezwaniem Najświętszego Serca Pana Jezusa.

Pod jej wpływem kard. Wojtyła ustanowił 11 lutego archidiecezjalnym dniem modlitwy za chorych i opiekujących się nimi. Jako papież Jan Paweł II ustanowił święto Matki Bożej z Lourdes, Międzynarodowy Dzień Modlitwy za Chorych obchodzony przez Kościół powszechny.
Bł. Hanna zmarła w niedzielę Miłosierdzia Bożego, 29 kwietnia 1973 r. Mszę żałobną odprawił kard. Karol Wojtyła do przepełnionych żalem pacjentów, przyjaciół i współpracowników.

Ofiara Mszy św. odbędzie się w piątek 11 lutego 2022 r. o godz. 18:00 w Światowy Dzień Chorego. Podczas Mszy św. będzie udzielany Sakrament Namaszczenia Chorych.
POC: bhamcatolicnurses@gmail.com

{:}{:en}11 February 2022 | 6 p.m.

St. Joseph Catholic Church

2300 Beasley Avenue

Huntsville, AL 35816

Father Joseph Lubrano, SDS and Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama Council of Catholic Nurses (DBACCN) invites you to St. Joseph Catholic Church for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the intention of all the victims of the pandemic, its imminent cessation and all health care workers and caregivers. During the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the relic of Blessed Hanna, who was a model for serving the sick will be introduced.

Born in Warsaw, Poland, Blessed Hanna worked with the Archdiocese of Krakow coordinating volunteer Catholic nurses, religious sisters, students, seminarians and clergy to look after the sick and homebound. She showed Bishop Karol Wojtyla (later Pope St. John Paul II) the living conditions of the sick and abandoned and instigated home Masses for the shut-ins.

Blessed Hanna had a special relationship with the Salvatorians in that she instituted retreats for the handicapped and housebound at the Salvatorian Retreat Center in Trzebinia, a city near Krakow. Her picture has been given a place of honor on one of the pillars inside their main church.

Under her influence, Cardinal Wojtyla made February 11 an Archdiocesan Day of prayer for the sick and those who look after them. As Pope John Paul II, he made the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, the International Day of Prayer for the Sick to be celebrated by the universal church.

Blessed Hanna died on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 29, 1973. Her funeral Mass was conducted by Karol Cardinal Wojtyla to overflowing crowds of patients, friends and colleagues.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will take place on Friday, February 11, 2022 at 6 p.m. This day is the World Day of the Sick. During the Holy Mass, the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be administered.

The first 50 attendees will receive rosaries touches to Blessed Hanna’s sarcophagus at St. Nicholas Church (aka the Nurses’ Church) in Krakow, Poland.
POC:  bhamcatholicnurses@gmail.com

{:}{:}{:en}11 February 2022 | 6 p.m.

St. Joseph Catholic Church

2300 Beasley Avenue

Huntsville, AL 35816

Father Joseph Lubrano, SDS and Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama Council of Catholic Nurses (DBACCN) invites you to St. Joseph Catholic Church for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the intention of all the victims of the pandemic, its imminent cessation and all health care workers and caregivers. During the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the relic of Blessed Hanna, who was a model for serving the sick will be introduced.

Born in Warsaw, Poland, Blessed Hanna worked with the Archdiocese of Krakow coordinating volunteer Catholic nurses, religious sisters, students, seminarians and clergy to look after the sick and homebound. She showed Bishop Karol Wojtyla (later Pope St. John Paul II) the living conditions of the sick and abandoned and instigated home Masses for the shut-ins.

Blessed Hanna had a special relationship with the Salvatorians in that she instituted retreats for the handicapped and housebound at the Salvatorian Retreat Center in Trzebinia, a city near Krakow. Her picture has been given a place of honor on one of the pillars inside their main church.

Under her influence, Cardinal Wojtyla made February 11 an Archdiocesan Day of prayer for the sick and those who look after them. As Pope John Paul II, he made the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, the International Day of Prayer for the Sick to be celebrated by the universal church.

Blessed Hanna died on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 29, 1973. Her funeral Mass was conducted by Karol Cardinal Wojtyla to overflowing crowds of patients, friends and colleagues.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will take place on Friday, February 11, 2022 at 6 p.m. This day is the World Day of the Sick. During the Holy Mass, the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be administered.

The first 50 attendees will receive rosaries touches to Blessed Hanna’s sarcophagus at St. Nicholas Church (aka the Nurses’ Church) in Krakow, Poland.
POC:  bhamcatholicnurses@gmail.com


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